John Feeney
Australian Financial Markets & Regulatory Change
John has significant wholesale financial markets background across all asset classes. His recent activities include benchmark reforms, capital optimisation, XVA design and management and conduct risk management. He has extensive experience in trading and trader management for FICC products and covered all asset classes: rates, credit, equity, FX and commodities. John has strong skills in conduct and reputation management and recently has had extensive current experience with regulators on derivative regulation.
He sits on the following Markets Boards and Committees:
- Board Member of AFMA (since 2010)
- Chair of AFMA Market Governance Committee since 2010
- Board Member of Yieldbroker (since 2008)
- Board Member of ISDA (since 2016)
- Current Vice Chairman of ISDA Board
- Member of ISDA Legal and Policy Board Committee
- Member of FSB MPG on Libor (Reforming Major Interest rate Benchmarks (2013 – 2014)
- Member of US ARRC group on cross-currency benchmark changes
- Advisory Board member Risk Australia